Etic Telecom
Patikimi ir energiją taupantys produktais ir sprendimai pramoninių mašinų ir sistemų ryšiui
Juka LT is Etic telecom distributor in Baltic states
Etic Telecom designs and markets safe, simple, robust and low consumption products and solutions for the interconnection of industrial machines and systems.
Since 1985, we have been active in the water, energy, transportation, urban infrastructure and industry 4.0 markets.
Etic Telecom is a European player designing and selling Telecom Products (routers, VPN servers, gateways, SHDSL switches, modem).
Have questions? Contact Juka LT team.
Contact us
Juka LT, UAB
Company code: 304009366
VAT code: LT100010937418
Address: Parodų str. 4, LT-04133 Vilnius, Lithuania
Mobile: +37062913082
Keep in touch